Thank you for following my journey for another trip around the sun, dear reader. Whether you're new to my blog or you've been following for some time, I just wanted to say Merry Midwinter and that I hope your holiday season is filled with light.

I'll be writing up my annual reviews of theatre next week to round up 2020. This year has been very different (for reasons I don't think I need to explain to anyone). I'm still figuring out what this year's annual review post is going to look like. I haven't seen nearly as much live theatre as usual but I have experience so much interesting digital and online art. In the meantime, give my post from last year a read.
2020 has been a tremendous year for me, for a number of reasons. Even though many of my production I had planned were cancelled due to COVID-19, including Mockus by George M. Johnson with Jupiter Theatre, I have still been creating and looking towards the future. This year Frankenstein became my first published play (it's available for purchase in Canada and the UK!) and I launched a podcast anthology with Jupiter Theatre called (exp)lore.

(exp)lore is a fiction anthology podcast to be enjoyed in the community while social distancing. These site-specific stories take an imaginative dive into the past and future of Calgary’s inner city. Each episode immerses the audience in a rich audio play while they explore the world through a new lens.
You can listen to the episode that I wrote in the series (Under the Plaza) on the audio fiction page of my website. I also directed Episode 1: The Folly and Episode 8: The Overview Effect for the anthology. Plus, there's going to be a shorter, bonus episode launching Christmas Day! Subscribe to the (exp)lore wherever you find your podcasts to give this spooky holiday treat a listen.
I also have two very exciting pieces of news coming up for 2021. I can't announce them yet, but keep checking out my blog for more updates or subscribe to my newsletter to be among the first to know.
And if you're in the northern hemisphere, make sure you get outside and check out the Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction this evening after sunset. You don't want to miss this amazing celestial event!
If you're reading this, we survived 2020! I hope your 2021 is everything that you want and more. I'll see you in the new year!