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  • Writer's pictureAndrew G. Cooper

The Grind has won Third Place in the Short + Sweet Sydney Festival

I'm so fond of this little 10 minute play I wrote. It's called The Grind and it was originally commissioned in October 2016 as an audio play by Western Canada Theatre for their fourth annual High-Wire Festival of Innovation. From there I adapted it for the stage and it received first place at Theatre New Vintage's 10 Minute Playwriting Competition in February 2017.

The Grind is currently in production in Sydney, Australia (directed by Rosie Niven as part of the Short + Sweet Sydney Festival). Last month, it recieved first place in Judge's Choice and Second Place in People's Choice for the Wildcard Series Week 4.

I just got news that The Grind has been awarded third place in the Judge's Choice in the Wildcard Finals for the festival! It always delights when little projects get new life and I'm happy that Rosie and her actors have made something new from my script.

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