I did an interview with ACTRA recently about me and what I've been up to. I've been in the union for three years now—time flies. I'm so pleased they used my muppeteer headshot as well as my human one as well!

What has been your favourite role?
Definitely being an additional Puppeteer on Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock with the Jim Henson Company. After two seasons (and a holiday special!), the cast and crew have really created something special together, both on and off the stage. I particularly love assisting Karen Prell with her character Icy Joe, for which she was just nominated for a Children’s Emmy Award!
What do you do when you are not performing?
So much! I fill my spare time with running, playing board games, and watching as many cool TV shows and films as I can. If I had my way, I would do a lot more travelling as well. Most of my time these days is spent writing and directing (for both stage and screen).
What organization / activity are you involved with or passionate about that people would find interesting?
I make films with my company Solaris Productions and work as the Artistic Producer of a non-profit theatre company in Calgary called Jupiter Theatre. I also just started an improvised comedy troupe called Winging It!, where I’ll be acting as the Dungeon Master for a live fantasy adventure. Come see one of our upcoming shows!
What Director would you like to work with?
I would love, love, love to work with James Cameron or Denis Villeneuve one day—both are Canadian LEGENDS. I’m a huge fan of Christopher Nolan’s as well, and if he ever brings another project to Alberta I’d be there in a heartbeat.
What is your favorite movie and/or TV show?
I am OBSESSED with Arcane (Netflix) right now. I think it’s the best animated series that’s ever been made. Maybe the best series period. Aliens, Arrival, and Interstellar are my favourite movies (see the answer above about directors)!
As a Performer, what is one thing you wish you would have known sooner?
It’s okay to DREAM BIG! And if others aren’t casting you, go out and make your own work so you can cast yourself. It’s much more fun that way